.Easy Life Hacks by Sagar -
How to Manifest Anything
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This is exactly how Manifestations Occur
When you are HAPPY (in general happy / unconditionally happy), desired THINGS or PEOPLE automatically flow towards you, because you have a POSITIVE VIEW / Energy at that point of time (i.e. your MAGNETISM is ON at that point of time). That also means that you are RECEPTIVE. (actually, your Magnetism is always ON, but for easier understanding, I'm treating it as ON / OFF as you'll read below...)
When you are BUSY in such a Happy or Sincere Mode (or Mood) during the day, you don't even need to chase anything / anyone. It simply flows towards you. Let's call it 'Natural Happiness' or being 'Naturally Busy'.
💡 That's what LET GO means. That's what UNCONDITIONALNESS means. That's what DETACHMENT means. That's what SELF-LOVE means. That's what FAITH means.
In such a state of 'Natural Happiness' or being 'Naturally Busy', or the state of 'having Faith in your Ability to Magnetize what you Desire', you receive Thoughts, Guidance, and Inspiration from your Higher Consciousness. Through this inspiration and intuition, you naturally and effortlessly take Actions and manifest your Desires.
Now, here's a catch. You can't force yourself into doing something TO KEEP YOURSELF HAPPY on the premise of the awareness of the absence of what you Desire. That would be 'Unnatural Happiness'. 'Forced (or Desperate) Actions' always backfire.
For example: If you visit a Beach, because you're desperate to be at a Beach, that's perfectly fine. However, if you a visit a Beach, because you're Unhappy or feeling lonely at home, and you want to 🔧 "fix your loneliness", that takes you in the reverse direction. Same thing applies to watching Cartoon Shows. Same thing applies to Making Affirmations. It is, actually, applicable to everything. Doing something for FUN and JOY vs. doing that because you're trying to escape a negative feeling are two disparate actions. This is like the difference between walking towards happiness and walking away from sadness. The same as: using a Dating App to expedite
your process of finding a Date vs. using it to curb
your loneliness. That never works, does it?
And yes, it is also possible that you are HOOKED ON 🔗 to your Desire in a moment, and it may take some time to REMOVE THAT HOOK from your Mind - minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years - depending on how STRONGLY you're hooked on to the Desire.
That is your task... to develop a sense of NATURAL HAPPINESS or ENTHUSIASM about life. Be Happy, because you want to Be Happy. Now, go and read the first two paragraphs, again!
💡 Now, you can use conditions (e.g. listening to music, walking, dancing, traveling, sitting in a garden, having sex with someone, etc.) to KEEP yourself happy, but as mentioned earlier, it should not be done to "fix the negativity" 🔧 It should be done to continue to walk 🚶 towards positivity.
⛔ You may start feeling negative in a moment.
For example: A potential date may not respond to you, and then you may get annoyed, and start responding negatively to others who buzz you on that Dating App. You may, then, unfortunately, at that very instance, miss out on manifesting what you exactly wanted. Because, remember (and admit it 🙃 ), whether it is from Person A or Person B, Situation A or Situation B, what you want is a FEELING or an EXPERIENCE (e.g. being touched, feeling safe, romanced, feeling sexual, affection, intimacy, feeling loved, getting fucked 💦 richness, etc.). So, why not put greater emphasis on the Feeling or the Experience?
It is possible that something / someone that you were looking at might not have the properties / qualities to give you that. May be something / someone else does. So, are you convinced that you Desire the Feeling or the Experience, irrespective of the medium that you may have in your Mind? So, keep reminding yourself of the Feeling or the Experience.
⚠ This does NOT, in any way, mean that the medium through which you receive the Feeling or the Experience is unimportant. As I've mentioned in the article bit.ly/brainwashbybks, if you start considering Person A or Situation A unimportant, your life becomes dull, uninteresting, and boring.
Focusing on 'Only Peace' does bring peace - but on such a journey, if you want 'Only Peace' and nothing else, you tend to limit yourself. When associated with Spiritual Organizations that tend to denigrate and devalue people, relationships, love, money, or sex, while making you feel bloated
about yourself, you tend to lose interest or courage in venturing into things that even remotely disturb or mildly disrupt your Peace. You don't take risks. You don't make new, bold, uncomfortable decisions that might be progressive. You don't get out of your comfort zone. Hell, oftentimes, you don't even get out of your house 🏡 Yes, if you want 'Only Peace' and are okay with not working towards a better car 🚗 or a bigger house 🏩 or a fatter bank balance (for example 😂 ), good for you 😵
'Being Peaceful' is important in any case, but remember, we are in this physical world to enjoy the physicalities of this world, unless you choose to go to a mountain and meditate for the rest of your life, in which case I'd assume that you have nothing better to do.
🧠 This is where GETTING CLEAR on your Desire(s) also comes into picture. If not Person A or Situation A, you have to remember that there are plenty of fishes 🐟 in the sea, and also that there are plenty of options and opportunities out there. The world is vast and abundant. You must not give up or lose hope, because, then you won't follow what's written in the first two paragraphs 😊 Also, you MUST realize that it is okay to LET GO of something / someone that is not giving you a FULFILLING / SATISFYING experience.
😥 When you are in a negative Mode (or Mood), you lack Faith. You tend to chase your Desires using 'Forced (or Desperate) Actions', and when you chase something or someone, you are trying to forcefully feel or experience 🔨 something from someone or something that has NOT naturally flowed towards you. You are trying to prematurely make it work for you, which is why it does not make you happy or satisfied.
An example of this is Dating Apps / Social Media, where we are incorrectly focused on "making things happen" (e.g. reach, views, likes, popularity, forced dates, hook-ups, one-night stands, flings, forced relationships, etc.) instead of focusing on self-work and real-life achievements, or being 'naturally happy' or 'naturally busy' in real life, or developing 'Faith in our Ability to Magnetize'. That is the noise that is taking us in an aberrant direction.
🧲 Now, let's talk about Magnetism. Even though it is always ON (i.e. you either magnetize positivity or negativity), how I like to look at it is: when you are in a positive Mode (or Mood), your magnetism (for positive Feelings or Experiences) is ON. When you are in a negative Mode (or Mood), your magnetism (for positive Feelings or Experiences) is OFF, and that's when you slip into your negative behavior, and go towards the plentiful negative things present in this world. You are not being consciously aware, alive, lively, joyful, or happy in a such a Mode (or Mood).
👍 And it is okay 🙃 to slip into a negative mode. You can't be Happy & High all the time. Whether you're feeling Anger, Fear, Sadness, Resentment, Jealousy, Guilt, Frustration, Loneliness, or any other negative feeling, the work is to take yourself out of the negative Mode (or Mood) as quickly as possible ⏱
Be receptive and continue to remind yourself that you want to FEEL / EXPERIENCE something from something or someone. Continue to GO WITH THE FLOW in a natural, subtle, loving, and very positive manner. Keep your TARGET in Mind of course, but emphasize on the fact that you want the Feeling / Experience. Do not be fixated on the target, because, like I said before, for example, you may be looking at Person A to make you feel sexy, but Person B might be the one who'll make you feel that. You may be looking for a job to earn more money, but a lottery might be awaiting at your doorstep that'll sustain you for the rest of your life.
Finally, remember: If you are focusing on Feeling or Experiencing "happiness in general" or "peace in general" - that's how your life will be. If you are focusing on specific Feelings or Experiences (e.g. romance, abundance, richness, safety, etc.) - that's how your life will be. If you're focusing on a mix and match of any or all of these Feelings or Experiences - that's how your life will be. That's the spiritual work. Spirituality is very very technical, I would say 😁
This is exactly how manifestations occur... But hey, this is for YOUR Desires, not for Inspired or Borrowed Desires i.e. things that you want just because you see others having them.
To study and practice a few ways to keep yourself 'Naturally Happy' or 'Busy' or to develop 'Faith in your Ability to Magnetize what you Desire', [go to awakenwithsagar.com and] visit the Mind Exercises section.
To get deep and personal guidance around MANIFESTATIONS from Sagar, go to the Interactions section.
This article is reviewed and revised from time to time. To read the up-to-date version, go to the Life Hacks section.
Few Ways to be Naturally Happy
• Self-talk about all the good things that happened in the day
• Positive visualization or self-talk of what you Desire
• Easy activities that boost your enthusiasm or mood
• Completely avoid negative talks or conflicts
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