Failures are not your Deficiencies | Sagar's Blog

Failures are not your Deficiencies

It is natural to consider materialistic success as a parameter to measure your happiness. However, it is so important to realize that your ACTIONS are in your hands. RESULTS are not.

Take any experience from your life and think about the line above. You can study for your exams, but you can't guarantee that you'll score good. You can be confident. You can write your exams well. You can solve all the optional questions. You can derive your answers from reference books. However, you CANNOT guarantee how your scores will be. That's why the anxiety, isn't it?

So, here's a simple solution to keep in mind. Do the best you can. STAY CONNECTED WITHIN while you do what you do. Pour in unconditional love and joy while doing it. Tap into your Higher Consciousness, and give your 100%. Enjoy the process as mentioned in the video linked on this blog.

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When you've given your 100%, it is easy to convince yourself that your failures are not the measure of your self-worth. Your failures are not your deficiencies. Your failures should not be responsible for you divorcing from your Higher Consciousness (or Inner Self).

You don't have to "keep going till you're tired". You have to "keep going happily, while enjoying every step". That's the right attitude towards life. With such an attitude, you don't really measure Input vs. Output or bicker about things when they don't go well.

Thu, 07-Nov-2024
🌞 awakenwithsagar

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