You Don't Get Rich By Attending Workshops | Sagar's Blog

You Don't Get Rich By Attending Workshops

People who conduct expensive 'Money & The Law of Attraction' Workshops are, essentially, filling their own bank accounts.

😕 This includes all those "Wealth Gurus" and so-called influencers on YouTube and Instagram. You really think that you can become truly rich by taking up online courses at ₹ 99/-?

You don't get rich by attending a Money Workshop. You, in fact, lose the money that you invested in that Workshop, especially, if you don't change your:

• Spending Tendencies & Habits,
• Wealth Perspectives,

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• Lifestyle & Behavior,
• Attitude towards Money.

To earn more money, you have to look for more ways to earn more money, and, of course, have a positive attitude towards it 😎

This is the Law of Attraction summarized.

Thu, 18-May-2023
🌞 awakenwithsagar

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