.My Travel - Goa
Connect with Sagar on Instagrambit.ly/sagaringoa

Dates Visited
Been multiple times to Goa. Click the row to watch the video on YouTube.
♦ Once during my childhood, in the early 1990s;
♦ March 2012 - Traveled with coworkers;
♦ April 2012 - BITS, Pilani - Goa Campus for final project exam;
♦ May 2012 - Traveled to Zuri, Goa;
♦ 14-15th April, 2018 - Gay Tour # 1 with Antony & Yogi;
♦ 19-20th May, 2018 - Gay Tour # 2 with Antony & Yogi;
♦ 16-21st January, 2020 - Gay Tour # 4 with Antony & 500 others;
♦ 10-14th December, 2020 - Palm Resort (Gay-friendly) - Gay Tour # 6 with Antony & 65 others;