Love Mandala.
Many years ago a wise woman told Gayle Mandel that she could manifest her soulmate by coloring a love mandala.
A mandala is an intricate design of shapes usually in a circular pattern. Gayle colored in the various pieces of the mandala. Each time she colored in a space she spoke out loud the quality she was seeking in her soul mate. With a purple crayon she announced "I would like a man that is kind to animals." With the blue crayon she said "I would like a man who appreciates my sense of humor." Using dozens of crayons and announcing dozens of traits, Gayle completed her task.
Within a very short time she met Howard. He was exactly what she had asked for. Now, more than 20 years later, they are still happily married.
Applicable To
Although this exercise originated from the example mentioned above, it is applicable to anyone and everyone.
Quite similar to the Chanting Mind Exercise that I've talked about, you can color the Mandala while making Affirmations about any desired area of life, and see how your cultivate beautiful Energy.
While coloring, just speak about what you Desire in that / those area(s) of life, and you will experience a difference right away.
Keep an open heart and let the Universe show you some miracles!
To Do
1. Print out your favorite Mandala(s) from the templates embedded here, and color it over a period of days. I have selected my most favorite ones here from thousands of them available on Google Images.
2. You do not need to color the entire Mandala in one sitting. Take your own time. In case you're doing this exercise as part of my Activities, you're supposed to do it over the number of days specified by me. Space out the coloring plan accordingly.
3. Most importantly, do it ONLY WHEN you're in a pure / stable / happy state of mind. To do this manifestation project, treat it as a sacred ceremony. Do it at a time when you have an open heart and a clear mind. Not when you're hungry or when you've not yet freshened up (e.g. in the morning). It would be nice, though not mandatory, to fix a particular time of the day, and do it during that time for 5-10 minutes.
4. Color each small area with crayons or colored pencils while vocalizing and meditating on the Desires. Saying out with your mouth is not mandatory, but it helps.
5. Use different colors for different qualities. It's okay to repeat colors, if you're short of them. Don't stress about it 😊
6. Finishing it off is not the purpose of this exercise. The process of coloring it is important, and needs to be enjoyed.
Don't forget to let me know how it works for you 😊
How It Works...
Well, it's not magic. It's the Law of Attraction in action! You may just want to go through those articles for a deeper understanding.
If you color the Mandalas in a frustrated mood or to try and forcefully tell the Universe to manifest what you want for you while you're coloring it, it won't work. It will backfire, in the sense that you will get even more frustrated 😊
On the contrary, if you do it just as a beautiful coloring exercise, for fun, may be as a strain-buster after a tiring day, if you do it because you enjoy coloring, if you do it with the intention and attitude that at least during the time you do it, your mind remains silent, it will work for you.
By letting go of that obsession, you build trust and faith in the Universe to yield to you what you want. This is exactly what one should do when one is confused. When your mind is preoccupied or consumed with the active awareness of the absence of your desire, you keep looking for and keep attracting its absence. It is as simple as it is written here. Just do it with this faith and understanding in this knowledge, and you'll know it for yourself.
A silent mind is the most powerful magnet. Silencing the mind is nothing but meditation! You allow the Universe to yield shovels full of manifestations to you when you silence your mind. Focusing your mind on something like this is one of the easiest methods to silence it.
Other names...
Such coloring art is also known as "Stoner's Coloring" (tougher coloring sheets meant for Adults). A stoner is a person who regularly takes drugs, and it is (rightly) believed that if he can turn his focus to such a beautiful coloring exercise, there are high chances of his drug addiction going away. It works exactly as mentioned in the above (How It Works...) section.
Not just a stoner, but every person who is frustrated, running in life, constantly fighting and struggling in life needs to slow down, and this exercise is helpful for one and all.
Just search Google Images for 'Love Mandala', and you'll find thousands of them. There are plenty of Mandala Coloring Books available as well.
These are some ebooks and Pinterest links. Simply download and print them:
- Children Mandala Book - 34 Mandalas (PDF)
- Mandala Coloring Sheets - 10 Mandalas (PDF)
- Mandala coloring on Pinterest (Countless)
- (Many)
- Coloring Castle (A few more)
Click here to buy one from Amazon.
These are my top few favorite ones, which I have found on Google Images.

Mandalas Colored by me
Below are the Mandalas colored by me. I love doing this a lot.
Click here to see more colored Mandalas - by all those who are connected with me - on my Facebook Page.