Your Magical Powers
You are Gifted. Whether you use that gift or not is up to you.
This is not a revelation. This is truth that was always true. God was always here! It is only being realized now.
and that we need to reconnect
is the biggest misunderstanding of humans.
God was and is always connected with you.
You got to remember and realize your potential right now, and make your life beautiful. It is not any one particular type of Meditation that can remind you of your potentials. You can choose to adopt any meditation method in this world to do so and the Law of Attraction will help you in this. In fact, the potential to create your life exactly how you desire is already present within you. You only need to habituate yourself of remembering them on a regular basis (especially when required), and strengthen your thinking patterns, which is how you will naturally bring them more and more into your lifestyle.
All your Magical Creation Abilities / Powers originate from your ABILITY TO FOCUS & CREATE what you desire in life.
Once you realize that you're the non-physical Energy that creates anything and everything physical in this world, you also realize that you have the ability to Focus on, Pick-and-Choose, selectively sift, and Create whatever you Desire. This does not happen automatically. To leverage our potential, we (humans) must seek this knowledge, recognize it, realize it, and demonstrate it for ourselves in our own day to day lives.
Ability means Power. Power means Ability. Once you understand the Law of Attraction and how you can apply it to get whatever you desire in life (then it could be a Peaceful Life, or 1 Crore rupees, or a Perfect Partner, or a Palace for yourself, or building a beautiful sexy body), you are on the right path.
your Ability to Focus & Create. ↓↓
Many people misbelieve that living a Spiritual Lifestyle means going away from everyone and everything, leaving the house, stop having sex, stop loving your partner... but that's NOT what Spirituality is all about.
A bird's-eye view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird, often used in the making of blueprints, floor plans and maps. This analogy can be used for looking at life from a long-term and comprehensive perspective, instead of looking at life from a limited and narrow-minded perspective. This can happen when you fly in your life, and not get stuck in your own 'infinite loop' of Negative Thoughts. This mostly happens, because you benchmark your life with that of others.
Having a Bird's-Eye View gives you an opportunity to look at the possible long-term outcomes or repercussions of the path you've chosen for yourself.
You are born in this physical world to have relationships, interact with people, and live your life wonderfully. Therefore, this is not to withdraw or detach from people or situations, but from their positive / negative influence on you. Did I write "positive influence" too? Yes, I did, because that then becomes even more Unconditional, about which you will read around this section. Wherever possible, avoid being amongst people you know are negative. Create and use a shield of Positive Energy around you.
Look at an ongoing situation it from a long-term / high level perspective, give it a new angle, and you will be amazed by the discoveries you make from that correct viewpoint.
Look at a situation like an audience, from a high-level, sit on the seat of your non-physicalness, remember that you are the Creator of your own life and that you can change your life within a second.
You can find the Exit of a maze more easily when you look at it from the top, than when you're inside it, isn't it?
Wind up your Old Perspectives. Peel them off. Let your past unpleasant memories fade away. Train yourself to develop such attitude.
Think about all that you desire in life NOW (then anything you desire is always right for you. It will only evolve, and you will get more and more clear about it as your life progresses.) Remember that even wanting to be Peaceful is a desire in itself. You're not born to 'not have desires'.
Trust that all that you desire is coming to you, and Let Go. Let go, not of the desired Partner, or Money, 💰 or the Job, but the obsession and the running behind of it. Once you understand that merely changing your Thoughts can change your life, you would actually want to let go of the garbage from your mind.
💡 Examples: Trust that that annoying person will change the next time you meet him / her and let go of a tempting argument. Trust that the next time you go shopping, you will get a higher discount, and let go of the shopping greed. Trust that the right partner will walk into your life, and let go of the wrong one. Trust that you will get a better job by positively applying to new jobs, and let go of the frustration associated with your present or past jobs.
You will read more about this in the below-mentioned article, however, let me scratch the surface here: You manifest ONLY AFTER you Let Go. However, as soon as you Let Go, your Energy refreshes enough to gain clarity that helps you in taking the right actions, and making the right decisions and choices.
- Related article: Importance of Letting Go
If you feel disturbed about something, deep within, you are closed-minded. Merely suppressing it is never going to help. In fact, that would aggravate your negativity.
To tolerate means to remain unaffected within. That inner stability automatically reflects outside.
It is commonly said that you should be like a fruit-bearing tree - even if people throw stones at you, give back fruits. Similarly, even if people defame you, throw imaginary flowers at them. These are the qualities of a mother, isn't it? A mother loves her children unconditionally - no matter how they behave - that's the sign of open-mindedness.
This sounds like Humility, but let's understand that Humility is not something that one would merely display externally. It (naturally) comes from within. Therefore, instead of working on being humble, correct your Beliefs wherever necessary, and open up and widen your mind as much as possible. My website and Life Hacks are all created with the same intention - of helping you with that.
But why should YOU do this? "Why me?", "Why am only I supposed to change?" are the questions that we generally have. The answer is - Not to show how good you are, or to prove anything to the world, or because God wants you to do it, or because you're obligated to do it, or because if you don't do it you'll defame God and decay in hell . You should remain unaffected just so that your Energy is not affected or polluted, and that your Line of Creation is clear. This should be a good-enough motivation, isn't it?
Remember, this does not mean being stupid or foolish. It's being smart enough to NOT let your life be driven by someone else's Thoughts, Words, or Actions. And even if this sounds selfish, it's not. It's self-empowerment and self-focus through which you can empower those around you.
We, humans, are adjustable, by nature. We just stop doing that as the insecurity within increases. Now, that we're on this journey of awakening, it'd be nice if we can do this more often and more unconditionally - even during those times when Adjusting or Accepting seems a bit tough.
A river changes its course according to the land without complaining. Doesn't mean it 'Gives In' or 'Gives Up', but it means molding smartly, for your own benefit. Like air and water that take the shape of their container, one should be able to smartly adjust with people and situations around.
Take things lightly, Laugh at negative circumstances. Know, that you are a more powerful creator than what's going on around you. Know, that you have created this situation by the virtue of your past Thoughts and Energy and that you can change it right now by creating new Thoughts and contributing them to your Energy. That's an excellent motivation for Adjusting and Acceptance.
Only after ACCEPTING your Present Life AS-IT-IS, you get into the Energy of Peace. Enjoying your Present Manifestations is the Key to this. When you're in the mode of cribbing, you will never be able to have a clear vision for what you Desire. If your Thoughts remain adamant, your life also remains rock solid, and doesn't improve.
the Universe can't give you BIG things to enjoy.
Remember, that Adjusting or Accepting DOES NOT MEAN suffering, and that's what the next point is about.

Being able to separate out good from bad, right from wrong, and positive from negative - smartly without being judgmental is an important quality any human being may have. Others are right in their own ways, and they have the equal freedom of Thoughts that you do. Therefore, you do not need to judge / label anybody. This is just about deciding what's right for yourself.
Keeping UNWANTED stuff at bay is an important part of this. Being Positive or Humble does not mean being Stupid. If there are elements that are annoying you, you must be able to find out whether the problem is within you or is it required to get rid of the unwanted. One who continues to suffer despite knowing that he / she is suffering and not happy in life is the most stupid person in this world, because he / she is living in the belief that 'this is how life is' and is simply not implementing the Law of Attraction to change things.
Just look around yourself. Your life is the reflection of your mind. What to change within your Mind is clearly and correspondingly visible in your life.
There are many spiritual and non-spiritual organizations across the world interpreting life in millions of ways, and each one of them is correct in their own way. At the same time, there are a few who say that only they are correct and others are wrong, which is not correct 😊 You do not need to criticize anybody, but when it comes to following someone, you need to keep your Eyes, Ears, and Mind open, and discern what's right for you.
Facing the Unwanted is NOT the same as Confronting. It does not mean involving yourself into a situation that you perceive as wrong. If one person is murdering another, it would be foolish of you to involve in that scene and teach "the importance of a stable mind" to the murderer. He'll kill you!
In another situation - If anybody is facing something in their lives, no matter how close they are to you, they are facing it only by the virtue of their own Thoughts and Energy. You can be of no help to them, if you dive into their problems before being on your correct path first. Unless and until your Thoughts, Words, and Actions are those of stability, you cannot do anything for anybody else - neither guide them.
Being able to strongly stand against any adverse or untoward situation, no matter what it is, not just externally, but also being stable in the mind is what this power is about. This can happen when one faces his / her own weaknesses and not let them grow. Once you understand that you're the creator of your life, and that it's the Law of Attraction that is the basis of everything that is going on in your life, you know that what's happening is only temporary and it is your creation, and whatever is your creation can be changed by you (no one else, but you).
In short, the ability or power to face something that is unwanted by you is to check if that's troubling you. If it is, face / correct your own Thoughts / Beliefs / Perceptions towards it, and clean up your Energy, and leave the rest to the Law of Attraction. It will help you in sorting it out. This is, in fact, an opportunity for you to clarify yourself of what you WANT, rather than cribbing and complaining about what you're seeing. Those are two different energies - one of problems (negativity) and another of solutions (positivity).
Easier said than done, I know, but that's all that is in one's control.
On a Casual Coffee Date with a guy, if you notice that he's unfocused, don't come back home disheartened about "why are guys unfocused!". Instead, come back home, and write down in your diary, "I'd like to meet up with guys who are focused and attentive." and see the magic of the Law of Attraction.
After failing nine job interviews, don't lose hope or give up. Instead, ask yourself, "What is this teaching me? What can I do better? Am I really made for a 9-5 culture, or should I start my new business?"
Being Understanding and Giving is what brings richness and abundance. That's how the Law of Attraction works. Giving not just materialistic. Giving others' perspective equal importance. Knowing that difference in opinions is the beauty of this world.
You cooperate, because you want to be stable. You cooperate, because competing does not help anybody. You cooperate, because you are a good human being, and want to demonstrate cooperativeness to others.
We are not here to compete with one another. We are here to enjoy our own lives, and on the way, the least way of cooperating with others is to not cause others harm. One who has such a nature is always rich (monetarily and otherwise). Examples from Bollywood and other Industries are in front of you.
At the same time, it is important to remember that you cannot lose your self-esteem and self-respect when cooperating with someone else. Cooperation is not 'suffering'. It does NOT mean blindly Giving, when all that you're getting back is negativity.