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Reset Your Penis
Penis Reset is a term coined by me.
I have personally practiced Penis Reset several times, and seen huge benefits. I would strongly recommend every male reading this to practice it 🍌
Penis Reset is about Energy Retention.
Retain your Sexual Energy for a while before releasing it,
instead of continuously expelling it - merely out of habit.
What is Penis Reset? |
Why you should practice this! |
Is it difficult to practice? |
Let's begin the Journey |
Benefits |
How it works |
The feeling of 'being aroused / hor*y' is essentially the feeling of 'being full of Energy and Power' (literally, down there). Moving around with the attitude, 'I can use my Power whenever I want to (with / without someone)'. Who wouldn't want to carry such a feeling all the time? Letting that power out with the perfect intention, energy, and attitude is what makes the difference.
↑↑ Playlist consists of videos in which I've spoken about this Exercise. ↑↑
Penis Reset is a way to regain your Will Power, Inner Focus, Bodily / Penis Control, and Self-awareness.
It is called Penis Reset, because it is an INTENSE Exercise. It has an IMMEDIATE effect on your Brain, your Entire Body, and your Mind, especially if it is something that you've never done before. It literally resets your Thinking.
So, if you begin this at 5 pm today, you must not masturbate until 5 pm of the 7th day from today.

The 'Penis Reset' practice helps you in getting out of the mechanical (and often, thoughtless) Masturbation Loop / Cycle.
If you're Single (and eventually looking for a Partner), having frequent Masturbatory / Sexual Urges is natural. However, simply masturbating (every now and then) while indulging into lascivious Chats on Dating Apps (for example) keeps you directionless. If you end up in having frequent Casual Sex Dates out of directionlessness, that interferes with your Inner Pure Desire to have a Partner. Thus, the manifestation of your Perfect Partner can be disrupted and / or delayed.
Additionally, the urge or dependency to Masturbate to satisfy yourself sexually can lower your interest in actual Sex. The choice is whether to give a higher priority to Masturbation or to Sex.
The 'Penis Reset' practice temporarily pauses all your Sexual Activity (not your Desire or Urge though), and mentally takes you back to those adolescent days. This is an attempt to become Sexier and Purer, both at the same time.
When someone asks me
why I sleep so early (at 10 pm),
my typical response is,
"because I don't have a boyfriend to keep me awake!"
It's that kinda habit.
If you desire to have Sex Dates (as a Single), adding the Penis Reset practice on a regular basis uplifts your experience, not just sexually, but also emotionally. You attract better mates.
This Practice also helps Married Men who wish to have more satisfying intimate / sexual experiences with their partners.
Detailed benefits are enlisted below, however, remember, do it ONLY IF you would enjoy doing it. It is NOT mandatory. Nothing is. You can continue to lead your life the way it is right now, however, if you'd like to take your life to the next level, this is one powerful Exercise.
Do it with the right understanding, motivation, and intentions. DO IT FOR FUN!

I'll be honest. It is NOT easy! 😊 It gets the most challenging on / after your regular Masturbation Frequency Day. However, when your Motivation is clear, the building charge adds to your Motivation.
The first time I practiced this for 7 days, I had constant headache after Day 4, and pain in my genitals. Those were the most difficult 7 days of my life! The masturbation, however, that happened on the 7th day was heavenly and long-lasting - the best ever! I've gone beyond Day-7 several times.
However, those aches were experienced only during the very first practice. Not thereafter. Also, the "intense hor*y feeling" remains quite constant after the 6th day, and it is even more an enjoyable feeling after Day-10.
This is not self-torture.
This is Self-Love (through self-enforcement)!
I call it Penis Love 🍌 ❤️
💡 Semen fills up. You feel Charged (even Overcharged). You feel Powered-Up. You feel Fuller / Wholler / Loaded. You feel Capable. You feel Sexy. Enjoy that feeling. Accept 'Feeling hor*y' as part of your Life (at least for min. 7 days).
Your Testicles are not supposed to stay empty all the time,
(yes, you can empty them once in a while 💦 but the idea is that)
Your Testicles are supposed to STAY FULL all the time.
That's what MASCULINITY is about.
Assuming that you're a normal human being (just like me), even though Erections will be more often during this period, remember that you do NOT need to be scared of having an erection all the time. Keep yourself engaged in physical and non-physical activities that you enjoy doing, and you'll be fine.

Emphasize more on Not Getting hor*y at all (mind).
Don't focus on Not Ejaculating (body).
I have enlisted a few experiences that I (and a few others who have practiced this) have seen:
The Reset actually begins only today." |
** Edging (optional) is the practice of stimulating yourself sexually, and stopping just before you orgasm / ejaculate. It makes the ultimate orgasm / ejaculation much much more powerful / intense - depending on how many times you 'edge'. This is best practiced on / after this day. This practice helps you last longer in bed while having sex.
WORDS OF CAUTION: 1. This needs really good self control, and unless you're really aware and controlled, you might end up in losing control. I would NOT recommend doing this, if you are practicing Penis Reset for the very first time in life. You can do this from the second time onwards.
2. This may contradict a DON'T, in the sense, you ARE stimulating yourself sexually, but, hey, I never asked you to be celibate!
3. Once you 'edge', the feeling (down there) gets even more intense. Not just higher blood flow, but thereafter, you feel like as-if the semen has filled up your penis right up to the tip. It's a sweet feeling, but it could make you feel uncomfortable for a while.
You're becoming a sharper Love & Sex Magnet. Don't Give Up!" |
Therefore, your Practice is NOT broken.
In fact, space is created for you to keep going.
** Wet Dreams occur, because the testicles accumulate unreleased semen. There comes a point when the testicles are full of semen and they cannot hold it anymore. Therefore, it has to be expelled to make room for fresh liquid. It gets involuntarily released while you're asleep.
• This may happen on the 4th day or not happen for more than a week. Varies from practice to practice.
• You may or may not have a Sexual Dream. You may not may not wake up during the Wet Dream. You may or may not experience an Orgasm. I've had a variety of experiences.
• It's messy after you wake up, but hey, it's a sweet sight. Remember, the percentage of semem leaked out depends on how much you produce daily and the day on which this occurs. Usually it is only 15-20%, but I once had a Wet Dream only on Day-11, and it was a truckload.
• Since new room is created, you may feel lighter. But you don't need to feel disappointed.
• As long as zero physical stimulation was involved from your end, you can continue. In any case, you may choose to begin afresh.
• Don't be hard on yourself. It's OKAY to have sexual Thoughts & Wet Dreams. I never asked you to shut down your sexuality. However, try your best to stay busy.
You've just broken a Loop!"
I go shopping on Day-7, Day-14, and so on, to treat myself. 🎁 |
Take Stronger Care of the DON'Ts mentioned above. (below-mentioned Benefits continue to be seen) |
Fully Charged & hor*y, but surprisingly, you may not feel like giving away the Sweet Pain & Precious Feeling." |
(as long as you do it right!) 😉 |
never realized I was this Sexy! You must try it as well..." 🍌♥ |

I have enlisted a few benefits that I (and a few others who have practiced this) have seen:
01 Increased Confidence to try new things (seen immediately)
02 Increased Will Power (seen immediately)
03 Clearer Mind (seen soon)
04 Increased Motivation
05 Improved Overall Magnetism in General Manifestations
06 Reduced Social Anxiety
07 Reduced Fear when approaching someone who interests you
08 Reduced Anger
09 Sharper Focus
10 Ability to Focus "In The Present". This is highly tied to your physical state during this practice.
11 Reduced Stress
12 Higher Energy / Better Mood, because you're sexually more aware and active
13 Increased Virility
14 Increased Enthusiasm
15 Improved Sexual Magnetism. Naturally attracts sexually active people towards you.
16 Increased Attractiveness. Others cannot resist your vibes.
17 Improved Sex Life (harder, long-lasting erection; naturally delayed ejaculation)
18 Your approach to sex is with higher Power, Vigor, and Energy (and loads n' loads of Semen)!
19 Yes, you CAN last longer in bed.
20 More Powerful Orgasms.
21 I personally believe that prolonged semi-erections and frequent full erections can help in naturally enlarging the Penis Size. Some men have also reported an actual enlargement after having practiced this for 30 days or more. Your penis has two chambers (known as the 'corporas') that fill up with blood in order to give you an erection. Those two chambers are surrounded by an ELASTIC layer called the tunica albuginea. Any Penile enlargement procedure is designed to increase the size of the cavernous cylinders of the penis or to stimulate blood flow to increase hardness. By practicing 'Reset Your Penis' as described on this page, you (indirectly) stimulate blood flow (and, thus, result in regular erections) on a regular basis, naturally feeding the enlagement information in your Penile cells. No medicines, no procedures. This is a natural, slow, yet FREE (and zero-risk) method in which you can see good results. I have.
22 Glow and softness in skin
23 You start looking young as a result of most of the above benefits
As you practice Penis Reset for your betterment, with the Energy of Fun, you powerfully emit out the Energy (or vibes) that translate to such Thoughts.
(NOTE: Being aware of the Benefits is good, but that shouldn't be your Focus. Your Focus should be on "Being Sexy". For example, consider "Sexual Magnetism" as one of the benefits - you naturally magnetize sexually active men / women towards you - it does NOT mean that you go around telling others how much semen you've accumulated. They just know it (energetically). Just focus on "Being Sexy" and enjoying the feeling.)
These (illustrative) Thoughts result into the benefits mentioned above:
• "I am working on myself. I am taking better care of my Penis."
• "I am good at controlling my Thoughts."
• "I want to enjoy Penis Reset."
• "I am full. I have more."
• "I am aware of the state I am in."
• "I can release my power whenever I wish to. It is in my hands."
• "I have concentrated power that I can share with someone else who'd like to have it."
• "If I can do this, I am capable of anything."
• "I am potent. I am fertile. I am charged. I am hot."
• "I have high volume of semen in ready state."
• "I can have great sex with you. I can sexually satisfy you."
• "I can last longer in bed."
• "When to discharge my semen is in my control."
• "I am sex. I am sexy. I am a sex magnet."
• "I am passionate (in bed & as a person)."
• "I am ready to have sex whenever you wish to."
• "I have greater chances of becoming a Father."
• "I am anytime ready now to make a baby."
Emitting those Thoughts with heightened / concentrated sexual energy works more powerfully with the Law of Attraction in action. You are, in the moment, more powerful than someone who masturbates (say) daily, and yes, that's because of the huge load of semen you're carrying.
You tell me - if someone had to choose between two men - one who has just 10% Semen within him, and another who has 90-100% Semen within, who would that person choose? No Brainer!
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